In 2023 the NextGIS team for the first time took part in #30DayMapChallenge. It takes place every year in the month of November. For every day of the month there is a prompt. Anyone can make a map inspired by this topic and post it with #30DayMapChallenge hashtag.
The challenge originated in 2019 on Twitter (X), but many participamts post their entries on other social media, such as Instagram. More about the creator of the challenge Topi Tjukanov on his website.
Check out the maps made by the NextGIS team for the challenge and posted on our Twitter and Instagram, all in one place.
Day 1. Points

Day 2. Lines

Day 3. Polygons

Day 4. A bad map

Day 5. Analog Map

Day 6. Asia

Day 7. Navigation

Day 8. Africa

Day 9. Hexagons

Day 10. North America

Day 11. Retro

Day 12. South America

Day 13. Choropleth

Day 14. Europe

Day 15. OpenStreetMap

Day 16. Oceania

Day 17. Flow
Day 18. Atmosphere

Day 19. 5 minute map
Day 20. Outdoors

Day 21. Raster

Day 22. North is not always up

Day 23. 3D

Day 24. Black & White

Day 25. Antarctica

Day 26. Minimal

Day 27. Dot

Day 28. Is this a chart or a map?

Day 29. Population

Day 30. Our favourite – NextGIS Data