NextGIS Terms of Support

I. General Terms

1. Definitions

1.1. Support System — an online helpdesk system used to log and process Support Requests. Access to the Support System is provided by e-mail

1.2. Client — an individual or a legal entity with a valid contract for the use of NextGIS support services or NextGIS license support.

1.3. Support System User — the Client’s contact person with access to the Support System.

1.4. Support Specialist — a NextGIS employee or contractor who is authorized to process Support Requests.

1.5. Support Request — a query from a Support System User with a question or a description of a problem that occurred while the Client was using NextGIS software or services.

2. Access to Support System

2.1. Access to the Support system is provided to a limited number of the Client’s contact persons. The allowed number of contact persons (Support System Users) is indicated in the terms of the corresponding License Support Program or Plan which provides Client’s access to the Support System.

2.2. An exact list of Support System Users is provided by the Client during the conclusion of the contract or later in a separate order (written or email). Subsequently, the list of Support System Users can be changed by placing a Support Request.

3. Assignment of Support Specialists

3.1. NextGIS does not assign a specific Support Specialist to the Client. A Support Specialist is assigned according to the type of issue, current workload and other conditions. A Support specialist may change while a Support Request is being processed.

4. Working hours of Support Specialists

4.1. Support Specialists process Support Requests Monday to Friday, from 10:00 to 18:00 (GMT+2).

5. Support Requests Requirements

5.1. All queries to the Support System must follow the rule “One question/problem — one request”. If this rule is not met, the Support Specialist has the right to ask the Support System User to close the original Support Request and open a new Support Request, made in accordance with the specified rule.

5.2. If the Support System User makes an unrelated query in an existing Support Request, the Support Specialist has the right to ask the Support System User to open a new Support Request.

5.3. If the Support System User makes a query after the expiration of the Client’s contract for the use of NextGIS support services or NextGIS license support, the Support Specialist has the right to close the Support Request on this ground.

5.4. If the Support System User’s query concerns services or software not included in the Client’s plan/license support program, the Support Specialist has the right to close the Support Request on this ground.

5.5. If the Support System User makes a query after the Client reaches the hours limit specified in his license support program, the Support Specialist has the right to close the Support Request on this ground.

5.6. These Terms may contain additional requirements for the Support Requests related to installation, configuration and updating of server software. 

6. Support Requests Processing

6.1. The Support System User opens a Support Request by writing to The Support System automatically assigns a number to the new Support Request which then can be used to track the processing status of the Support Request.

6.2. The Support Specialist checks each new Support Request for compliance with the requirements specified in these Terms and responds in one of the following ways:

6.2.1. closes the Support Request which does not meet the requirements of the Terms citing the reason for closing;

6.2.2. asks to open a new Support Request(s) based on the rule “One question/problem — one request”;

6.2.3. answers a question or reports that the problem has been resolved;

6.2.4. informs about the causes of the problem and the approximate time for its resolution, if it is impossible to resolve the problem within the time limit set in these Terms. If the identified problem is caused by an error in the NextGIS software, this error is guaranteed to be assigned the highest priority of fixing;

6.2.5. agrees with the Support System User on the time and conditions for access to the Client’s hardware, if that is necessary to answer the question or resolve the problem. After accessing the hardware, the Support Specialist responds in one of the ways described in this paragraph;

6.2.6. successively requests additional information, necessary to answer the question or resolve the problem, if the original Support Request is not clear enough. After receiving enough information to answer the question or resolve the problem, the Support Specialist responds in one of the ways described in this paragraph.

6.3. After answering the question or resolving the problem described in the Support Request, the Support Specialist closes the Support Request.

6.4. If the problem has returned (has not been resolved or has arisen again), the Support System User can re-open the closed Support Request. In this case, the Support Specialist checks the re-opened Support Request and responds to it in the same way as to a new Support Request.

7. Time limits for Support Request processing

7.1. The Support Specialist responds to a new Support Request within 8 working hours (on the same or the next working day).

7.2. In case the Support System User was requested to provide additional information, the Support Specialist checks the received information and, if necessary, requests additional information within 8 working hours (on the same or the next working day).

8. Time tracking

8.1. The Support specialist keeps a record of the time spent on processing each of the Client’s Support Requests. The minimum increment is 0.25 units (quarter of an hour, 15 minutes).

8.2. Upon reaching the hours limit specified in the Client’s license support program, the Support Specialist notifies the Support System User about it.

8.3. At the request of the Support System User the Support Specialist provides a table with the records of hours spent on Client’s Support Requests and the amount of hours remaining.