Cultural Heritage Sites on Your Maps

Order cultural heritage site data from NextGIS Data.

  • Data for any area worldwide
  • Choice of your favorite data format (GeoPackage, ESRI shapefile, Geodatabase, TAB, etc.)
  • A preconfigured ready-to-go GIS project (for QGIS, ArcGIS or MapInfo)

Sample data on an interactive map

Click on a map feature to get more information

About the Dataset

The cultural heritage dataset includes various historical, cultural and architectural monuments, religious buildings and landmarks. Each entry contains a name, address, type and other details.

Ready-to-use pre-stylized GIS project


Cultural heritage data from Wikimedia Foundation sources (Wikidata).

The data you get when you place an order is up-to-date and converted to your preferred format.

Ordering and Receiving Data

  1. Pick a region from the catalog, search by name, select an area manually, or upload a boundary file for the location you need.
  2. Choose the data format.
  3. You’ll receive a confirmation email. Once your order is ready, a download link will be sent to your email.

To get instant updates on order status, including download links, you can add a Telegram account to your NextGIS ID.

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