NextGIS Toolbox: Process Geodata in Your Browser

Perform routine and specialized spatial data processing tasks right in your browser. Fully automated workflows – just fill in the fields. Cloud or on-premise.

  • Process raster and vector data
  • Convert tables into geodata
  • Integrate with cloud or server-based GIS
  • Analyze satellite imagery
Go to Tools

The goal of NextGIS Toolbox is to simplify geodata processing.
The user has no longer to think about how to run a sequence of several operations and how to prepare input parameters for it.

Choose the right tool

The collection includes about 80 tools and is constantly growing. To the list of tools


Just fill out the form

To run the tool, fill in the form fields and click “Run”.

Task execution time depends on the amount of data being processed. Most tools require a few seconds to a minute.

Spreadsheet to a vector file

API access

You can run any tool from NextGIS Toolbox collection remotely.

Each tool is accompanied by an example of a Python code and a token, generated for authorized users.


Source data and results depend on the tool

At the entry can be:

Layers of data in different formats

Links to resources from your Web GIS

CSV, XLSX tables

The output can be:

in XLS format


Modified data
in your Web GIS

NextGIS Toolbox On-Premise

€3500/first year
€1750/subsequent years

Geoprocessing and data conversion tools on your server. Includes:

  • NextGIS Toolbox license for 1 server (latest version and regular updates)
  • Bug fixing
  • Direct support
Contact us
NextGIS Toolbox On-Premise