Tracking upgrade on NextGIS Web. What’s new?

Total number of satellites displayed

Now you can see the total number of GPS and other satellites.

Previously, numbers were separated by navigation systems.

HDOP displayed

Horizontal dilution of precision is a parameter showing how precise the GPS readings are. The smaller the HDOP value, the higher the accuracy of horizontal coordinates. HDOP=1 is ideal, 3-4 is okay, if HDOP is over 6-8 it means that the position of satellites at the moment is unfortunate providing information with low accuracy.

HDOP depends on the number of visible satellites, their position in the sky and relative to the receiver.

Direction processing

After a track is recorded the direction of the line is marked on the map. To get that feature, update NextGIS Mobile to 2.7.1, already available on Google Play.

All this data in GPX files for QGIS

Data on satellite number, HDOP and direction is now added to the track’s GPS file. In NextGIS Web you can download GPX in Reports.

Open the file in QGIS to see all the data in the attribute table.

More on setting up monitoring of moving objects in NextGIS Web

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